Saturday, December 13, 2014

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance?

Florida requires everyone who drives to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance. The Florida legislature has also made several changes in Personal Injury Protection (PIP) law that many people are not aware of! The new changes to the legislation are due to take effect on January 1, 2013 and were passed with the intent to insurance fraud but the reality is that all it has accomplish is a rate hike and diminished coverage according to many personal injury attorneys in Miami. One of the major changes to the law is the 14 day time limitation to seeking medical attention.

Many consumer groups also claim that the changes to the PIP law has reality hurt multiple non-insurance groups including some medical providers and especially injured motorists.

So What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Insurance?

According to a Boca Raton CarAccident Attorney PIP Insurance is also known as Florida No Fault Insurance and it was designed to provide you with insurance coverage, regardless of who is at fault in the accident. PIP insurance will also cover your children, members of your household, and passengers who don’t have their own PIP insurance, provided that they do not own a vehicle.

Passengers in your vehicle who carry PIP will receive coverage for their medical treatment under their own PIP policies. Your PIP insurance will also cover your children in the event that they are injured while riding on a school bus. PIP insurance coverage also protects you while you are in someone else’s vehicle, as a pedestrian, or bicyclist if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident.

The Florida Motor Vehicle No Fault Law, requires all motor vehicle owners to carry a minimum of $10,000.00 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000.00 of property damage liability (PDL) if you own a motor vehicle in Florida. Florida law requires that you maintain PIP/PDL insurance continuously throughout the licensing and registration period. As simple as this sound is actually a very complicated piece of legislation that was heavily lobbied by the insurance industry. This is why on every other commercial on TV they tell you if involve in an accident call 911 and then call an experience Florida personal injury attorney!

The insurance companies are not in the business of paying claim, as a matter of fact the minute you are involve in an accident their legal team is going to start working on your case and figure out how can they settle it for the least amount of money. Insurance companies hire nothing but top layer to represent them and so should you! If involved in an accident consider hiring a seasoned personal injury attorney with litigation experience.

1 comment:

  1. I'm new to the concept of personal injury protection (PIP). Can you explain to me whether or not it's a state-sponsored program, and if you need to get insurance from a third party? If you seek medical attention within 14 days, can you stay in the hospital past the deadline?

    Alex Jennings | Personal Injury Protection
