Do you know or have you tracked how much time are you spending removing unwanted hair from bikini area, arm pits, arms, legs and other areas? Are you aware that a recent study by Time Magazine showed that women in the US spend on average 75 hours per year removing unwanted hair.
Time is only one of your investments. How about the cost of razors as of late? On average a pack of 10 Gillette Sensor cartridges is about $25.00. Ok so I am sounding like a cheap skate but if razor would work laser hair removal, Brazilian waxing and other methods of removing unwanted hair would not exist!
Waxing is not only painful but quite irritating to many fair skinned people. Shaving on the other hand is known for leaving bumps and promoting ingrown hairs. I am not saying that laser hair removal does not have side effects! Like with any hair removal methods like waxing, electrolysis and shaving with laser hair removal some normal side effects may occur. These are normally limited to itching, pink skin, redness, and swelling around the treatment area.
If you are tired of shaving or even waxing a looking to give laser hair removal a try call the Miami laser hair removal experts today and schedule a free consultation to talk about the remarkable results you can get. The effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal is now widely recognized throughout the dermatology industry and new strides are continuously being made to advance its efficiency, lower its cost as well as its side effects.