Sunday, November 30, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Cost

When it comes to Miami laser hair removal there always seems to be a debate concerning its cost! At this is a very popular question. One that is usually followed by a surprise look or sticker shock. If one is to take into consideration the true cost of shaving, waxing and other methods of hair removal the cost of laser hair removal is very reasonable. For example. How much do you get paid per hour or better yet how much do you think your time is worth?

Do you know or have you tracked how much time are you spending removing unwanted hair from bikini area, arm pits, arms, legs and other areas? Are you aware that a recent study by Time Magazine showed that women in the US spend on average 75 hours per year removing unwanted hair.

Time is only one of your investments. How about the cost of razors as of late? On average a pack of 10 Gillette Sensor cartridges is about $25.00. Ok so I am sounding like a cheap skate but if razor would work laser hair removal, Brazilian waxing and other methods of removing unwanted hair would not exist!

Waxing is not only painful but quite irritating to many fair skinned people. Shaving on the other hand is known for leaving bumps and promoting ingrown hairs. I am not saying that laser hair removal does not have side effects! Like with any hair removal methods like waxing, electrolysis and shaving with laser hair removal some normal side effects may occur. These are normally limited to itching, pink skin, redness, and swelling around the treatment area.

If you are tired of shaving or even waxing a looking to give laser hair removal a try call the Miami laser hair removal experts today and schedule a free consultation to talk about the remarkable results you can get. The effectiveness of Laser Hair Removal is now widely recognized throughout the dermatology industry and new strides are continuously being made to advance its efficiency, lower its cost as well as its side effects.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Car alarm for your lease vehicle!

In Miami the thief of pricey factory wheels and tires from covered parking spaces and even car dealership seems to be a consistent spot on the daily news. Even with wheel locks, with enough time and privacy thieves are able to remove many factory wheels without anyone noticing living the vehicles to be found by their owners sitting on blocks without wheels or tires. The majority of these events consist of lease vehicles. A lease is nothing but a fancy word for rent. You basically pay a monthly fee for the use of the vehicle. At the same time you have to follow a set of rules impairing you from making any alterations to the vehicle such as adding a car alarm, changing or upgrading the stereo and even things like window tinting.

The fact is that there are many Miami car alarm shops whose work is so seamless that you were able to do any of these upgrades without any damage and in a reversible way so that you are able to return the vehicle without breaching your lease agreement. I drive a lease vehicle and yes I have an aftermarket car alarm and window tinting done to it. I'm not going to say it was an impulse decision at the two around several shops specializing in car alarm installation in Miami. What many people don't know, and here is what a quality shot comes into place is that the factory keyless entry on many high-end luxury vehicles can be upgraded to a full blown car alarm without altering the integrity of the system. This is what I did with my X5 BMW.

When it comes to window tinting, it's all about the quality. When you talk about quality window tinting you talking about the inventor of window tint 3M! There are many Miami window tinting shops and yes many that claim to have 3M but few are actually authorize dealers. Usually the best way to figure this out is by visiting the manufacturer’s website, where they usually have a way to buy link. I ended up going to a place called Hialeah window tinting. It was a little bit out of the way for me but well worth it. I opted for a 35% metallic film that matches perfectly with my silver X5 BMW.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Securing your financial future!

America is known as the land of opportunity but opportunity doesn't come without risk and obligations. Of no fault of their own many people found themselves in severe financial hardship after the market collapse of 2007. The financial hardship was followed by a landslide of foreclosures many which could have been prevented. I live in Miami and unlike LA and New York, South Florida was severely impacted by the financial and foreclosure crisis.

Many people don't realize that bankruptcy laws are put in place to protect and not penalize those facing financial difficulties. It was not until I consulted a Hialeah bankruptcy attorney then I realized that filing bankruptcy was more of a blessing than a burden. I think the mistakes that I’ve made were seeking the help of General Counsel rather than that of a Miami foreclosure defense attorney.

It did not take long for banks to realize that foreclosing on a property was not only expensive but then after acquiring the property there was no one there to buy it! It is in this instance were a seasoned bankruptcy attorney in Miami comes into play.

Via my attorney I was able to accomplish several things. For one put a stop to the foreclosure process. This was done by filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy. Second, this force my none responding lender to come to the table and renegotiate the terms of the loan in a way that not only I can afford the payments but they can get their money. These guys are not stupid at the end of the day all day one just their money. I just wish I would've gotten this type of help a year ago. I think the problem lies with the lack of information and in some cases bad information surrounding bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is not a death sentence but rather laws that have been put in place to give those in financial hardship a second chance.